Monday, June 4, 2012

Delivery of the Pet Beds

I got an email from the recipient of the pet beds that my quilt guild made that I had to post here.
First of all I would like to thank Kathleene for meeting me at my work place, loading up her car and delivering them to Society for the Protection of Animals, Inc. in Fremont, Ohio

Dear Vandy, Kathleene and Joellen,
Thank you so much for donating the beautiful pet beds the quilting group made to S.P.A.!

When I distributed some of them in the cat room, I swear the cats were smiling! We will give some as gifts to families who are adopting pets, too, as you requested. Hope its okay that the foster kitties in the Cat room enjoy them as well.
Just look at their faces!
Please share this special "Thank You" with your quilt circle, Vandy.
And Kathleene, there are not enough words of thanks to convey to you all that you do for so many animals in need.
I hope you know how much your support (especially emotionally) has meant to me over the past years, and your support of S.P.A.'s efforts has helped to save the lives of so many worthy, castaway dogs and cats.
 And Joellen, thank you for riding along to meet us and helping to unload and reload the pet beds. It was really nice meeting you.

What adorable, unique beds!
And thanks so much too, Kathleene, for treating us to breakfast. That was a really nice surprise!
 We unloaded and placed all of the beds into the Cats room storage shelves.

When Terry and I moved to the country, ten years ago, we designed and built the cat room here with our own hands and our own money.

We currently care for 58 cats each day, and nine foster dogs. And that's here, at our house. Dianne, Char and Dale, Pam and Karen are fostering animals for SPA, too.
CAT (pronounced See-a-tee) was interested in
touching each bed with her paws.
Michael couldn't wait for us to place each bed. He was pulling them out of the plastic sacks, eager to pick his favorite one!
Michael climbed up to the top of the stack while we were unloading before placing on storage shelves.
Macdaddy and CAT watch with delight!

Meow-Meow helps unpack! Don't worry, we normally don't allow them to crawl into plastic bags. New things to see, new things to smell, new things to touch.
That all makes for a pretty exciting day in the Cats room!
I picked these wooden shelves up at Goodwill a couple of years ago. Several of the beds fit perfectly into the baskets! Talk about a comfortable place to snooze!
 Wish I could fit into one of these special beds!
 Sisters in rescue...

Roger saying... 
"Hey! Don't I get to try out one of the new special quilted beds!!!???"
 Again, heartfelt thanks from...

Michael, Susie, CAT, Valentine, Clemintine, BW, Saturday, Bert, Ernie, Meow Meow, Pee Wee, Jilly Bean, Bindy, Mindy, Macdaddy, Jimmy the Artist, Coaly, Sierra, Tux, Iris, Fast Eddie, Rasa, Hazel, Eve, Earl Gray, Judy, Cassie, Bella, Roger, Espen, Medie, Tucker, OJ, Lucy, Splish, Guido, Hobo, Sweetie Pie, Zeena, Cleopatra, Scotch Pine, Wally, Patchy, Cally, Susie Pooper, Little Bud, Maria Tiponi, Mandy, Grace C, Shaman, Black Pearl, David, Ronnie, Autumn, Mackayla, Duchess, Eugenia and Josie Falquette.
Barbara McGrady
Society for the Protection of Animals,Inc.
P.O. Box 1047
Fremont, OH 43420

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