Last year at the quilt show at the Farmparks one of the
vendors was showing a Hunter’s Star quilt and was selling a new ruler called the Rapid Fire Hunter's Star that made
the construction a snap. This past weekend some of the ladies from my quilt
guild got together to learn how to use the ruler to make the quilt or wall
hanging. The ruler comes in 2 different sizes and each ruler will make 4
different size quilt blocks. I needed to make a quilt for Christmas so I chose
the 10” block.
It was a little confusing at first for some of us but after
we make our first block the light bulb came on. Some of the ladies had made the
Hunter’s Star the old way with inset seams and triangles which can get very
tricky. With this ruler it was all straight seams and it went together very
quickly if you chained stitched.
It is amazing what color choices people use to use and the
way they put them together. At the end of the first day we had at least 4
blocks sewn together so we knew what our quilt would look like.
On Sunday we got together to finish up making blocks until
the raffle quilt blocks got together. Three of the ladies spent time arranging
the Orion's Star Quilt blocks into various patterns and we took a vote on which one was
the most appealing to the eye. Now all we have to do is to decide on the border
and find a quilter to have the quilt finished, then we can start selling raffle
We all had a great time getting together to learn a new technique
or trick to make the construction of a quilt quicker, because we all have so
many quits and so many to finish. I know I have at least 5 that I have started
and have not finished yet. So it is nice to have a class to work on a new
project and to get it almost finished in 2 days then to start on one at home
and take 3 to 4 weeks to finish it.